Friday, August 25, 2006
Believe Handmade!
Quite a few years ago I used to handcraft cards. I used to design them when Dayna was a baby and it gave me something to do that I enjoyed while I was at home with her. Then Miriam came along and she was just always on the go and I had to put it on the back burner for a while. She's five now and off to school, and I just really wanted to get back into the craft again.
I am SO enjoying it. Sometimes when you are at home with the kids you feel as if you lose yourself and the things that made you YOU if you know what I mean. When all you do all day is clean up, feed the kids, clean up, feed the kids, clean up feed the husband and feel as if the person you used to be has long gone.
With getting back to this...I feel a bit more of me is back and useful again. It's something I can do that gets the creative side of me out...and I can still be at home for my kids when they need me! These are just a few of my latest designs.

If you haven't already, check the whole collection out
[believehandmade] on flickr!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
7:25 pm ::
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