Friday, November 17, 2006
Good friends!

On Wednesday Janey my wonderful friend and Claire who was up to stay with Janey for a few days came over to stay for the night. It had been over a year since I had seen Claire and it was great to spend some time with them both. We had some brilliant times together when we used to go to the Salvation Army's music camps every year. That is how I actually met Janey and it has been about 16 years since we became friends.
Claire works for the Salvation Army as a Children's Officer and I couldn't think of anyone better for the job...she is an absolute nutter. She loves activities with the kids and puts her all into everything that she does. She just overflows with energy, and is a real inspiration. On Thursday along with Roscoe, we all drove through to Livingston to the McArthur Glen designer outlet (obviously once I had dropped the kids off at school) that was really nice.....Needless to say that in order to catch up with my cards and housework, it was quite a late night for me. Of course I did have an ichat with Thomas at around 11.30pm which was fantastic.
Unfortunately for me (or maybe more so for him) with it being so late by the time that he can check in...I am tired...AND IT SHOWS! I am not really looking my best....meanwhile with the time difference he looks quite chipper and he's all ready to go for a nights shopping at "the mall"! The ichat stuff is great...and because I can see him and obviously hear him I can be in my computer room either engaging with him face to face...or still be in the room bobbing about doing other things and still chatting, just as if he where at home, and I think that that is making a real difference for me. I feel as if I still have spent time with him even though he is so far away.'s Friday night and I am off to watch some "Children in need" and soon Janey will be coming over to spend the night again. She is watching the girls tomorrow with Roscoe while I am away on our Alpha "Holy Spirit Day!..It's going to be great!
P.S. We were in hysterics using Janey's new phone with the picture warping you can do. Probably most of you have it or have seen it, but I never knew about it....everyone got a shot at being warped...but the best had to be Miriam's.'s good to laugh!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
7:31 pm ::
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