Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Some weather!

What a miserable day today has been, weather wise. As I am blogging just now the winds are really strong. That aside, it's been a nice but busy day. After dropping the girls off at school I decided to go to East Kilbride shopping centre. It's all undercover so I stayed nice and dry. Later when I got home, I got the washing done and tidied up before the girls needed picked up. On Sunday it was our Young People's Annual at our church, and they got their prizes in the afternoon. In each age category a dice was thrown, and whatever was written down on Captain Stephen Poxon's (our visitor for the day) book that corresponded with the number on the dice, that was to be an extra treat for all the kids in that section. Dayna and Miriam were thankfully in the same section, and they were delighted to hear that they were to be taken to McDonalds at some point this week.

This off course was a treat to be given by the parents not the church. So tonight I took them to McDonalds at Braehead...
......and afterwards we went to Ikea where I bought some nice things..can't say what because it's a surprise for
Thomas coming home.
Then when we got home I started dealing with the new purchases and before I knew it, it was 10.30pm. I then had to finish a few cards off while I was waiting for an ichat with Thomas. He's having long working days over in Philly but he's enjoying the mall at night. Won't be long till Friday...can't wait....miss you and so do the girls. Dayna said she was sad because she just wasn't getting the tickles her dad normally gives her.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
11:57 pm ::
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