Friday, July 13, 2007
Off to Fort William!

Tomorrow we will be off to Fort William for a week. We will be taking Pippin our wee dog and we will be staying in a lodge which the girls are quite excited about. I'm especially looking forward to eating out as often as cooking and cleaning up...sounds like heaven! Hopefully the weather will be kind to allow us to get out and see some lovely scenery....long walks and picnics sound wonderful, and Pippin will just have a ball.

Hoping to go to Mallaig and to Morar to see the lovely beaches there!

I would also like to visit Skye for the day as plenty of things planned. Most of all I just want us all to have the opportunity to relax and just enjoy each other's company.
See you in a week!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
2:50 pm ::
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