Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Junior Soldier!

On Sunday my nephew was enrolled as a Junior Soldier. The service was led by our own Captain Alec Still and he really had prepared a lovely service. My nephew sometimes goes into fits of giggles with nerves but he did really well on Sunday. My sister had asked if I would sing, as I have done for her two other girls when they were enrolled, so I sang a beautiful song called "Hold me close" sang by Twila Paris. It really felt right for the occasion. It was so nice to be together worshiping with my family, as the rest of my family serve at a different corps from Thomas and I...and so it was just wonderful to be all together worshiping God just like the old days.
On Sunday night after the meeting we had a practice for B.L.O.C. and enjoyed fellowship with the guys...we then shared in a time of prayer for our next topic is about "How do I resist evil?". Last time we got to this topic we really felt in the week following that we were certainly under attack from the devil...and so we really wanted to bring this concern before God.
And now...since I'm back in from Alpha...I can say that our night was really beneficial and the discussion went well. Just need to keep alert for the devil's attacks!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
12:56 am ::
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