Saturday, December 16, 2006
Just checking in

I really feel bad that I haven't been able to blog much these last few weeks, but unfortunately Dayna took really unwell on the 8th, and didn't really get better until the 14th, and now I have been given this wonderful gift of heavy cold from her. Unfortunately for me I had severe aches and pain in my neck and back, stomach cramps....(not quite sure whether things were going up or down!), and worst of all yesterday I had the most awful full on migraine.
Today, after an terrible night's sleep (or should I say lack of it, which pretty much covers the last week in regards to sleep), I was relieved to have at least a regular headache, which normally wouldn't be appreciated, but on this occasion it was. All the family are out tonight at Airdrie Ebenezer Church where our junior choir and band are leading a Saturday night Christmas service. As the assistant in the Singing Company I have had to miss this. Dayna was singing a solo as well, so I really have missed that.
Anyway, I thought that I would check in to let you know I am still alive and kicking...but with the twinges of a possible migraine attack coming back upon me, I think I will say goodbye for tonight!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
9:16 pm ::
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