Friday, December 01, 2006

Well it's the 1st of December and my tree and other decorations are up. I love Christmas and all the lights and's such a lovely time! All the presents have been bought and some have been wrapped...I've even got some food and drinks in for Christmas day as well. I like to be as organised as I can. Christmas is a busy time for anyone...but as a member of the Salvation Army, I go carolling each Saturday and the occasional Sunday well as going to other Churches to provide them with a programme, and that involves quite a few nights as well due to the fact that I am involved in the Senior Band, the Senior Choir and the Junior Choir! When each of these sections are doing Christmas programmes, you can see that it becomes very busy for me. And then of course there are the school concerts and practices, as well as parties galore! Fit in a night out for dinner with my mum and sister (housewives night out!) and I'm pretty much free for the rest of December.
All the hustle and bustle of Christmas can be hectic, but you just need to remember what Christmas time is really all about. Our Lord Jesus came as a baby to give the greatest gift to all mankind. The gift of His love and forgiveness, and for this free gift of eternal life! How awesome. What more do we need? So just try to relax....don't rush around too much! Take the time to listen to some carols....allow yourself to be immersed in what it's all about. But most of all...enjoy yourself and spending time with loved ones...after is a great time to celebrate!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:36 pm ::
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