Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A visit to the Police station!!!

I had to pop into the Police station this morning as I received a phone call last night from a very nice constable, informing me that my handbag had been found. Now for those of you who don't know what car was basically broken into over 4 weeks ago now, and my handbag was taken. You know what it's like...all the hassle with cards, cheque books, national insurance cards, and driver's license.
Anyway the cards are all replaced more or less now but the pain was having to reapply for a new driver's license and national insurance card...and I hadn't got round to it yet. I also didn't like the idea that someone knew so much about my details, like my address, date of birth..and all that kind of stuff as well as a photo and signature.
So the phone call last night was well received. Pretty much everything is there except for any cash. Everything's pretty soaked with all the rain....the thought of it lying out in this mad weather we've been having for the last 4 weeks doesn't really thrill I don't think that I will be keeping the bag or purse....but the license and national insurance cards are gladly back in my possession. Certainly another answer to prayer!
So thank you to strathclyde police for the nice way in which you handled my unfortunate incident from the break in to the recovery of my bag. You were all very pleasant which really helps.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
3:28 pm ::
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