Sunday, March 25, 2007
Great day
On Saturday it was lovely to wake up to some lovely sunshine. It's as if we have turned a corner with the weather. I had to pop up to the GLO centre (Gospel Literature Outreach) which is a Christian bookshop in Motherwell to buy a present for our neighbours who are having their baby girl Christened. Thomas caught the train to Glasgow to be part of the "stop human trafficking" prayer time held in George Square..(he'll blog about is soon), so the girls and I went shopping for some new shoes for them both and went back to the house, packed a flask and some juice, crisps and chocolate and water for the dog, and waited for Thomas to come home so that we could head off to Tinto, one of our favourite places to be, for a walk.

It was glorious. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and Pippin had a ball! We have taken the girls there a few times, and each time we are trying to encourage them to go a bit further. One day I'm sure we will make it to the top. But just being out together enjoying lovely sunshine, and breathtaking scenery, and just being together as a family can't be beaten!

There were quite a few
paragliders venturing up with their massive bags on their backs. It's hard enough walking up, never mind a 20kg weight on your back. We saw one lady paraglider who was commenting on the fact that she weighs 60kg, and so she was carrying an extra third of her weight! We also met an elderly lady of 80 coming down when we were going up, and although I don't know how far she went up, I was still amazed at how she managed because she looked as if she had some disability with her back...she really inspired me and so I urged the girls on that bit more, after all they are young and should have loads more energy.

Dayna was jumping over muddy bits...fell and got a big slab of dirt on her knee which she wasn't too amused about. It's really funny because Miriam would just stand up, and get on with it. It wouldn't bother her. But Dayna is a bit of a clean freak. She hates the slightest bit of dirt on her, and with no sink nearby to run to wash up, she was not too amused. She eventually laughed about it, especially when we joked that she had landed in fox's poo!

We let Pippin off her lead and she was just in her element running free amongst the heather and the rocks, jumping and splashing through the muck and sniffing everywhere. When we got back down to the car we had our refreshments and I sat in the boot with Pippin with the door up, lapping up the sunshine and watched the paragliders descending graciously from the top of Tinto. Pippin just lay in a towel that I had wrapped her in to keep her cosy, and she was so content.

We then headed home, gave Pippin a shower.....

and just relaxed together...I did a bit of blogging and then had to make a Christening card for our neighbours baby, Hannah... all in, a wonderful day and hopefully the start of many more lovely days to come.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
8:39 pm ::
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