Friday, June 29, 2007
Table Tennis
Here is the table we now are the proud owners of.

We absolutely love it. We've had such a laugh....and everyone who has come over has had a game and loved it. Even the kids can have a go's great. Everyone out there should buy one, even if it is a bit difficult storing it. Ours is currently folded in half in our dining room. I will need to come up with some idea of disguising it when it's not in use so that it is aesthetically pleasing.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
11:02 pm ::
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Olly as a Simpson character... What do you think?
Go to create your own.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:49 pm ::
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Thursday, June 28, 2007
Hello again!
It's been a while now since I have been on the ol' blog! I'm still crazy but then somethings never change!
Yesterday was Miriam's birthday. She was 6 years old. I can't believe it and tomorrow she spends her last day at school as a Primary one. However, we had invited all the family over for a barbeque, using our very trusty large George Foreman grill...(everyone should own one, they are fantastic).
The weather in the morning did not look promising and the weather report was for rain, but it stayed dry! We were so chuffed because all the family including ourselves were all keyed up for table tennis.
Thomas and I celebrated our ten year anniversary last week and had decided to buy a full size butterfly compac table tennis table...(as you do!). It is amazing.
It was such a success...everyone loved it and we had such a laugh.
Big thanks have to go out to my brother-in-law Daniel and to Roscoe who helped me out on the grill with big orders, of sausages, beefburgers, pork and apple burgers, veggie-burgers, and skewered chicken! They really helped thanks guys.
Unfortunately my phone is out of order at the minute pics, so I've pinched some of Thomas'.
Thanks to everyone for their support over these last few months, and especially for the encouragement shown from the lovely Johnny Laird in me getting back into blogging again.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
4:24 pm ::
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