Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Another Halloween has come and gone again. Dayna was dressed up as a spider and Miriam was a ladybird.

Here they are along with our neighbour, little Elly dressed as a pumpkin! We are exhausted after our trek around the streets, and with carrying the heavy bags of goodies. Unfortunately Thomas couldn't go around with us tonight as he is away to hear Shane Claiborne, but Janey came down to help me go around with the girls. We then went up to Jane & Ross' where we spend a lovely night along with Ross' Mum and Dad dooking (don't know if that's how you would spell it!!) for apples......

.....having a halloween quiz, and strangely enough showing off some of the strange things we can do!

Jane was lifting Miriam up with her feet, and then went to try to lift Ross at which point Ruth nearly had kittens.

Miriam was as per usual HYPER and was jumping on top of everyone.

A good time was had by all...and a big thank you to Ruth and Jim for the lift home.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
9:32 pm ::
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