Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Guy Fawkes
Just a quick wee post about last night. We are quite fortunate at this time of year to live close to Strathclyde Park. When everyone else has to travel down to the Park and stand for a few hours and get crushed and not particularly get the best view, we can stand from a field near our patch and watch the whole fireworks display on our doorstep.
Gran Elizabeth and Papa Angus were over, and Jane, Ross, Joanne and boyfriend Ritchie came over as well. We all got our scarves and gloves on and ventured out! It was a bit chilly but the fireworks were amazing! Thomas was taking pictures with his dad's fancy camera and we were taking the mickie a wee bit about him standing click clicking away like a wee pro!
Oh do make me laugh!

Great night....great company!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:44 pm ::
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