Tuesday, November 06, 2007
Guy Fawkes
Just a quick wee post about last night. We are quite fortunate at this time of year to live close to Strathclyde Park. When everyone else has to travel down to the Park and stand for a few hours and get crushed and not particularly get the best view, we can stand from a field near our patch and watch the whole fireworks display on our doorstep.
Gran Elizabeth and Papa Angus were over, and Jane, Ross, Joanne and boyfriend Ritchie came over as well. We all got our scarves and gloves on and ventured out! It was a bit chilly but the fireworks were amazing! Thomas was taking pictures with his dad's fancy camera and we were taking the mickie a wee bit about him standing click clicking away like a wee pro!
Oh do make me laugh!

Great night....great company!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:44 pm ::
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Highlight of the Congress

The highlight of the congress this year for me was the Belfast Drama Group. I was just absolutely blown away by their presentation and performance. They performed four times over the weekend and I could have watched them all night.
On Saturday night they did "The big climb" and then later "The big stick". On the Sunday morning they led in prayer with "Help, I'm too busy to pray" and then in the afternoon they really challenged me with "Six of the best"

Every single one of the group were so passionate about what they were doing...they were professional and were just so looked as though they all really connect with each other spiritually as well as socially.
I would love to see more of this kind of expression of worship and do hope this is not the last that I have seen of them!
Obviously my other highlight was singing with the A Chorus from music school under the leadership of the wonderful Ann Howlett-Foster. I sang with a tear in my eye on our last song as I realise that I probably won't experience that again. Very doubtful that I will be able to take a family holiday and go to music school next year. So so so sad!
It was also great to hear our A band as well. I absolutely loved the cornet solo from Craig Kilgour from Govan Corps of "In the love of Jesus" which was wonderful.

And then of course I couldn't leave out the African Choir who are now serving at Manchester Corps. They were so full of the spirit and their love for God was so evident to see. No inhibitions...just letting go and letting God!
Out in the foyer before the Saturday meeting started they were singing and dancing and praising God. I couldn't believe it when one of the babies strapped to his mummy's back fell asleep while his mum danced about.

One minute awake........

...the asleep!
Truly amazing!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:10 pm ::
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Christmas Decorations up?....already?

I could not believe it tonight when we saw someone had their Christmas tree up and window lights on already....the 6th of November. Guy Fawkes was yesterday....that's crazy. I mean ...don't get me wrong I absolutely love my decorations up....and I put mine up early enough on the 1st December, but I think that this is way to early.
In saying that I have managed to wrap up quite a number of my Christmas pressies tonight!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:02 pm ::
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Saturday, November 03, 2007
I'm just in from our Saturday night Congress Meeting. I had received an email a few months ago saying that I was opening the congress with Christ of Calvary to the too high for me tune Annie Laurie. That was news to me as I had never been asked. I'm sure like most vocalists choosing a song that suits your style and singing is extremely important. Annie Laurie is never one that I would attempt unless the key could be brought down. The idea was that I would sing and then in the last verse I would invite the congregation to join in.
I've been dreading it to be honest for quite some time, but I thought, never mind I'm sure the pianist will be able to lower the key so that I can comfortably sing. Unfortunately for me I was being accompanied by the band. No lower key for me! One very quick run through this afternoon and that was me.....left feeling sick for the rest of the day.
Most folks are kind and say 'don't worry about it, you'll be just fine", and in normal circumstances with my own choice of song, at least you have a pretty good chance. Standing up tonight with all of my confidence running off the stage.....looking out at a couple of thousand folks, knowing full well you are not capable of being yourself and instead trying to just scrape by is terrifying.
The first verse didn't go particularly well. No volume was coming from my mike and so i was trying to sing as loud as I could...then it came on. Got to the chorus...painfully high for me. I was shaking. Inside I was trying to tell myself to calm down and just do my best. The rest went a bit better but I didn't enjoy singing......and left the stage feeling so let down by my inadequate vocal range.
I'm not trying to big myself up at all, please don't get me wrong, but to get the opportunity to sing in front of so many people and not be able to sing at my best for God just leaves me feeling utterl gutted. The majority of people there would have no idea that I was under duress with the song and so no doubt will have been saying, oh she's not very good. Why have they asked her. I am by no means a Marjory Watson or a Jane Brill...I just have an ordinary voice...but I know if I could have had my choice I could have done so much better.
Never the less, I can't undo what is done and I will just have to face more people tomorrow like tonight who so kindly are saying..."you did fine" and you know that they are thinking the same as you.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
10:41 pm ::
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