Friday, December 22, 2006
Great company!

Just spent a lovely evening with Dawn & Chris who are the officers (ministers) for the Glenrothes Corps. We were supposed to meet up with Jon, Lorna and Kenny & Sarah, but unfortunately they couldn't make it. Poor Jon has the dreaded sickness and scoot bug that has all too familiarised itself with so many of us this Christmas time! It was nice to get out for a while as I feel as if I have had this cold and headache business for ever! The cold just doesn't seem to want to go away. So it was just Dawn, Chris, Thomas and myself. We had a lovely meal at Nando's, followed by a drink at the famous Starbucks, and then back to our house for a wee while for another cup of tea.
These guys are so wonderfully nice! It's great when you can just relax in each other's company, even although we haven't known each other too long.
So thank you both. Thomas and I thoroughly enjoyed your company, and can't wait to hook up again. Have a blessed Christmas!
Hope you are feeling better soon Jon!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
11:29 pm ::
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