Monday, September 04, 2006
Around the cross.

Tonight we held an Alpha prayer night at our church, The Salvation Army in Bellshill. It is absolutely essential that before we run the alpha course, that we pray for it and for the people that hopefully will come along. And so that's exactly what we did. We didn't have a large crowd.... some of our usual homegroup members were on holiday....but we had about a dozen of good faithful people...and we had a really beneficial night together, not just in the praying for alpha but for us all individually.
Usually on a Monday, Thomas's mum and dad would be through, but tonight they couldn't make it due to being on holiday...(Poor excuse!!) My mum and dad were involved in their housegroup and so we didn't have any babysitters. I had seen this as a great obstacle for tonights proceedings. Praying means peace and quiet and my girls don't really do that very well! The intention was that I would play the worship songs and then when we went into our prayer time that I would sit with them for a while and then Thomas would sit for a while.
We had set up several praying stations around our hall....each with a specific topic of prayer. And also at the front we had placed a really large beautiful wooden cross and candles were lying at it's feet waiting to be lit.
So after the worship I went to sit beside Miriam and she was behaving quite well and was colouring in. I sat and watched as people circulated round the many different prayer stations and found myself praying just where I was...there beside Miriam. I then felt that I really would like to go to the cross and kneel and just get myself right first with God before I prayed for others, and so I looked and Miriam was quite content. I whispered to her..."will you sit nice while Mummy goes and speaks to God?"....she nodded.
Then the most beautiful thing happened. I went forward...lit my candle and prayed that God would forgive me for the lack of time that I have spent with Him lately...and for the lack of time as a family that we have spent with Him. And as I lay kneeling on the floor...I heard the shuffling of little feet behind me. And there was Miriam...she sat at the cross beside me and started praying for children who had no food and for the family of the "Crocodile Hunter". She's five....I was so humbled. Then Dayna came over and she prayed privately...and then wrote a list of all those who needed prayed for.
What a beautiful moment. How blessed I two girls were sitting at the foot of the cross beside me praying.... yet at the same time I was reminded of the huge responsibility that we have...that I have as a a be a good example...a Christlike example to my two beautiful girls. They drive me nuts at times....but what a priviledge to try to bring these children up knowing that God loves them and that God has a purpose for their lives.
I have always felt as if I had lost out when it comes to being in the workplace, making friends and letting them know about what I'm all about. I have been at home since Dayna was born in 1999....and sometimes wish that I could do more for able to tell others about Him and what He has done for me. Yet here I am....with these two precious little girls....and surely there is nothing better in life than to be with your kids, and to be the best example you can be for care, love and support them in all they do.
When I tucked them into bed, I said to them that it was really important that we spent time each day with God in prayer as well as reading the bible, because we need to keep close to Him. I took one of Dayna's devotion books and opened it at today's date. The verse the thought was taken from was Acts 2:28
"You have shown me the way of life, and you will give me wonderful joy in Your presence."
The thought went on to say...wasn't it great to be around those that you love and how it makes you feel safe and warm. Well that's how it feels to spend time with God it went on to say...warm and wonderful.
This devotion from a child's book...said just what I had been saying to Dayna and Miriam just moments before. Thank you God for the reminder...that as a shepherd you gently call us...your sheep... back closer to you..and of course I am even more thankful that you are always watching the little lambs too!
I am so proud of them both...and I don't think I'll ever I think back tonight of the both of them kneeling beside me at the cross...praying.
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
9:52 pm ::
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