Tuesday, October 24, 2006

On Saturday morning we were absolutely shattered from our busy week and of course from the concert, and we weren't going to be having a relaxing day either! B.L.O.C. and my sister and brother-in-law (who became part of B.L.O.C. for the night!) had a programme to do for the Blackburn Gospel Hall...which is the church where Thomas' mum and dad serve.
It was a brilliant night. The programme was well received and we enjoyed it too which just confirms that God was in and through all that took place. We went as a group of people who just wanted to spread the gospel and tell others of God's love for them. We had been waiting for this event to come for quite a while and I think we were all a bit nervous and unsure as to what to expect. We all serve God in many ways and express our worship differently, and so we knew that we would be something different, not necessarily radical, but different to what the folks there at Blackburn would normally be used to. However, the gospel doesn't change. God's love remains the same for everyone, and to every church and it doesn't matter
how we do matters
why we do it!
Thank you God for using us to spread your love to others. What a joy and an amazing priviledge!
And thanks to B.L.O.C....Bobby, Ross and Liz for all your hard work... and for your support to Thomas and I when it's been needed which has been a lot recently! To Caroline and Daniel....I love singing with you was great! To Jane and to my mum and dad who came along and supported means a lot!
Posted by littlelaughalot ::
7:00 pm ::
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